women in government

The Notorious RBG

           Lets kick this blog off with one of the OG’s of politics, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, Ginsburg was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993 by President Bill Clinton. A graduate of Cornell University, Ginsburg is the longest sitting woman ever on the Supreme Court.

             Now that the basics are out of the way, let’s discuss why she is one of the most amazing women to ever be in government. First, she wrote an autobiography entitled Notorious RBG, which discusses her career. The book’s name pays homage to the late rapper Biggie Smalls aka Notorious B.I.G. One might ask how this petite, 83-year-old justice is able to pull off the name? It is because she is a gangster. As one of nine women in a class of 500 at Harvard Law, she was asked why women were occupying seats that should go to men. Did she back down? No! Like a boss she transferred to Columbia and graduated at the top of her class. Later as a professor at Columbia University, she became the first woman to receive tenure at an Ivy League school. For more than 50 years she has fought for women’s rights. In an interview with Lynn Sherr from ABC news Ginsberg stated: “Women will have achieved true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.” Ginsburg is a realist and isn’t going to sugarcoat anything. Ginsburg has worked tirelessly as a professor, lawyer and judge to fight not only for women’s rights, but for LGBTQ and civil rights. Unlike many who simply accept the way things are, Ginsburg has refused to allow any injustice to go unanswered.


          Obliviously, Ginsburg leans to the left of the political scope, and she is not afraid to voice her opinion. When asked what she thought about presidential candidate Donald Trump, she told CNN: “He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego.” She has since apologized for the quote for being unprofessional, but she still believes it. She does not worry herself with using kind words or acting “like a lady”, instead she gets down to business and gets stuff done!

         All it takes is a simple Google search to see how far her influence reaches. Many praise Ginsburg for being a woman warrior. That is exactly what she is, a warrior for anyone the big guys try to push around. She digs in her heels and will destroy any opposition with a well formulated argument that is impregnable.

       When an 83-year-old grandmother has the strength to fight for what she believes in, then we all need to look around and see what needs changing. So get up and get to work.